Learning Objectives:
• Practise the skills learnt in class
• Develop independent working habits
• Learn to problem-solve
• Learn to take risks
• Develop independent working habits
• Learn to problem-solve
• Learn to take risks
What you will need:
Sketching paper (or your sketchbook), soft pencils (preferably 2B and 4B), colouring pencils, eraser, a pencil sharpener, colouring pencils, a black fine-liner pen, watercolours and brushes.
Your Assignments:
Over the course of the year, you will be asked to produce a series of drawings. In each drawing, you should apply the skills learnt in class. You should draw objects that are in front of you, not from photographs.
You must not start the next drawing until the last one has been marked unless given prior permission by your teacher so that you can take on board any advice given and make improvements to your drawing skills over the course of the year.
Remember, quality is more important than quantity, so don’t rush!
Assignment 1:
Produce a line drawing (no shading or colours!) of any small object in your house. Try your hardest to get all of the proportions right and add as much detail as you can using a sharp pencil.
Pick a challenging object for the highest marks, but don’t be too ambitious.
• Size: A4
• Time allocation: 40 mins (x2 weeks homework) minimum
• Deadline: Thursday 28th September
• Time allocation: 40 mins (x2 weeks homework) minimum
• Deadline: Thursday 28th September

Assignment 2:
Produce a pencil drawing to draw a piece of fruit or a vegetable. Try your hardest to get all of the proportions right and add as much detail as you can using a sharp pencil. Use cross-hatching to make it look 3D.
Your main goal is to create tone (using cross-hatching), so don’t spend too long on the outlines or detail.
• Size: A4
• Time allocation: 40 mins (x2 weeks homework) minimum
• Deadline: Thursday 12th October
• Time allocation: 40 mins (x2 weeks homework) minimum
• Deadline: Thursday 12th October

Assignment 3:
Produce a biro drawing (no shading or colours!) of something textured (e.g. wood/bark, shells, rocks, denim, etc.) and use different mark-making techniques for the different textures.
Remember to vary the light and dark tones as we did in class!
• Size: A4
• Time allocation: 40 mins (x2 weeks homework) minimum
• Deadline: Thursday 9th November
• Time allocation: 40 mins (x2 weeks homework) minimum
• Deadline: Thursday 9th November

REACH Higher Homework Week:
During this week you will be off timetable for homework, so instead of completing homework for all of your subjects, you will be given the option to choose just a few. More information about this will come out soon.
To see what's on offer in art, click here.
Deadline: Monday 13th November
Assignment 4:
Produce a pencil drawing of a small shiny object, adding smooth tonal shading to make it look 3D. Work as neatly and smoothly as you can and remember the details. Add reflections for extra marks.
• Size: A4
• Time allocation: 60 mins (x3 weeks homework) minimum
• Deadline: Thursday 7th December
• Time allocation: 60 mins (x3 weeks homework) minimum
• Deadline: Thursday 7th December

Produce an entry for the Kingsley art competition over the Christmas holidays. The theme will be announced just before the October half term.
• Deadline: Monday 22nd January
Assignment 5:
Draw a leaf in as much detail as you can. Enlarge it so it fills the whole page. Add colour using colouring pencils and remember to layer your colours starting with the light ones first and then building up the darker colours on top. Add detail and mark-making at the end to make it look more textured and realistic.
Top tip: Choose an interesting leaf that has different shades of green, yellow and brown (maybe even red too). It will become much more interesting than a plain green leaf.
• Size: A4
• Time allocation: 60 mins (x3 weeks homework) minimum
• Deadline for 7ES: Monday 24th February
• Deadline for 7RF: Monday 24th February
• Time allocation: 60 mins (x3 weeks homework) minimum
• Deadline for 7ES: Monday 24th February
• Deadline for 7RF: Monday 24th February

Assignment 6:
Draw a piece of white fabric (e.g. a handkerchief or top) that you have tied in a knot. Light the fabric from one side to create dramatic shadows and draw a section with as much tonal shading and gradients as possible. Use pencil and smudge with cotton buds.
Bonus marks for capturing the texture of the material using mark-making.
• Size: A4
• Time allocation: 60 mins (x3 weeks homework) minimum
• Deadline for 7ES: Wednesday 19th March
• Deadline for 7RF: Friday 21st March
• Time allocation: 60 mins (x3 weeks homework) minimum
• Deadline for 7ES: Wednesday 19th March
• Deadline for 7RF: Friday 21st March

Assignment 7:
Draw something transparent, such as a light bulb or clear plastic bottle (with the label removed). Plan your proportions carefully and add tonal shading and detail (including reflections).
For an interesting composition, you may draw two light bulbs, one in front of the other. Work in pencil.
• Size: A4
• Time allocation: 40 mins (x2 weeks homework) minimum
• Deadline for 7ES: Monday 15th April
• Deadline for 7RF: Thursday 18th April
• Time allocation: 40 mins (x2 weeks homework) minimum
• Deadline for 7ES: Monday 15th April
• Deadline for 7RF: Thursday 18th April

Assignment 8: The BIG One!
Draw or paint anything you like on an A3 piece of paper or canvas (or bigger). Try to fill the page and take your time – this one spans several weeks of homework! Try to show off all the skills and techniques you have learnt over the course of the year. Challenge yourself by drawing something harder than before for a chance to get top marks, e.g. a pet or a landscape. You may work from photos if you wish.
Think about:
• Accurate proportions,
• Tonal shading and gradients,
• Detail,
• Texture (using mark-making) and
• Colour & blending
• Accurate proportions,
• Tonal shading and gradients,
• Detail,
• Texture (using mark-making) and
• Colour & blending
• Size: A3 or bigger
• Time allocation: 2 hours (x6 weeks homework) minimum
• Deadline for 7ES: Monday 3rd June
• Deadline for 7RF: Thursday 6th June
• Time allocation: 2 hours (x6 weeks homework) minimum
• Deadline for 7ES: Monday 3rd June
• Deadline for 7RF: Thursday 6th June
'The Big One' - examples of creations by previous students:

Assignment 9: Coloured bee drawing
Set: Monday 10th June (7ES) / Thursday 13th June (7RF)
Due: Monday 17th June (7ES) / Thursday 20th June (7RF)
Due: Monday 17th June (7ES) / Thursday 20th June (7RF)
Produce a drawing drawing of a bee from one of the reference images below, approximately 8cm x 8cm in size. Colour it using colouring pencils, remembering to layer and mix your colours and add as much detail as you can. Please leave the background white - don't draw the honeycombs.

Below is an example produced by Mrs Rigney...