The Warwick Independent Schools Foundation (WISF) has launched a photography competition on the theme of Wildlife, with the following subcategories:
    1. Animal behaviour and animal portraits
    2. Microphotography (close-ups)
    3. Photojournalism (news)
    4. Natural Artistry (creativity)
Prizes are awarded for each category for Years 7-9 and Years 10-13.
To enter, complete the attached entry form, which includes writing which sub-category you chose and how the photo you are submitting symbolises the subcategory. 
Then email your entry form and photos to r.irani@warwickschool.org.
Use WeTransfer.com for any files that are too big to email. 
All the prize winners will be announced on 20th March 2023 in the Pavilion at Warwick Senior School from 4.30 - 5.30pm. Please do join us!