Learning Objectives:
• Creatively explore different techniques for producing textures with coloured pencils
• Learn how to blend coloured pencils using different methods
• Apply the technical skills learnt in the previous lesson to a drawing of a real object
• Learn how to blend coloured pencils using different methods
• Apply the technical skills learnt in the previous lesson to a drawing of a real object
What you will need:
Sketching paper (or your sketchbook), a soft pencil (preferably 2B or 4B), colouring pencils, eraser, and a pencil sharpener.
Your Task:
Choose one of the shell images from below and draw it in your sketchbook over the next two lessons, at least 15cm from top to bottom.
You should aim to demonstrate the following skills:
• Accurate, lightly drawn initial outlines
• Variation of tone using gradients
• Layering of colours
• Close attention to detail
• Different texture techniques, as practised in the last lesson.
• Neatness and refinement throughout the drawing
• Variation of tone using gradients
• Layering of colours
• Close attention to detail
• Different texture techniques, as practised in the last lesson.
• Neatness and refinement throughout the drawing
Although you are encouraged to use the skills learnt last lesson, the marks required will depend on the image you choose. You may have to try out new techniques for some or all of the marks in your drawing.
Although none of the images below are easy they are roughly in order of difficulty, with number 14 being the most challenging.














To download one of these images...
1. Click on the one you like to enlarge it
2. Right click on it and select 'Save image as..."
2. Right click on it and select 'Save image as..."
If this doesn't work, you can download them all by clicking on 'Download'...
Stretch & Challenge extension task:
Ready for something even more difficult? If you have any shells in your house, have a go at drawing one of them from real life, rather than using one of the photos above.
Mr Lax's demo - Initial Outlines:
In this video you can see how I have measured the width and height of each shape and used my pencil to check the angles.
1. Plan the basic shapes
2. Sketch your outlines
3. Neaten and refine (/make improvements to) your lines
2. Sketch your outlines
3. Neaten and refine (/make improvements to) your lines
I make a lot of mistakes, so you can watch how I keep going back to improve my work. Never settle for your first attempt and don't get frustrated if you have to draw the same section several times before you get it right.
Mr Lax's demo - Adding Colour:
In this video you can see how I layered my colours, starting with the lightest tones first and building up to the darkest tones last.
I wanted to emphasise how colourful this shell was, by layering dark blues and reds I didn't need to add any black.
Mr Lax's finished drawing:

• Which of your textures looked most interesting?
• How different do your textures look from one another?
• When might you use each of your textures in a drawing of a real object?
• How different do your textures look from one another?
• When might you use each of your textures in a drawing of a real object?
Examples of previous students' drawings:
What do you think has gone well and what could have been improved?