Learning Objectives:
• Creatively explore different techniques for producing textures with coloured pencils
• Learn how to blend coloured pencils using different methods
• Understand how new colours can be mixed by blending or layering colours
• Learn how to blend coloured pencils using different methods
• Understand how new colours can be mixed by blending or layering colours
What you will need:
Sketching paper (or your sketchbook), a soft pencil (preferably 2B or 4B), colouring pencils, eraser, a pencil sharpener and a ruler.
Your Task
Draw a grid of boxes lightly in pencil on your page, with approximately 12-24 boxes in. Use a ruler to make sure your lines are neat and remember to leave a space between each box.
Using a range of different coloured pencils, fill the boxes with as many different textures as you can. Consider the following suggestions:
• Include gradients
• Layer colours on top of one another
• Your marks may be as messy as you like, but they should always remain within the boxes
• Explore many different marks, as done earlier in the year in black and white
• Take inspiration from the world around you
• Think about when you might use them in a drawing of a real object
• Layer colours on top of one another
• Your marks may be as messy as you like, but they should always remain within the boxes
• Explore many different marks, as done earlier in the year in black and white
• Take inspiration from the world around you
• Think about when you might use them in a drawing of a real object
You may borrow some of my ideas from the example below, but try to use your creativity to make up as many of your own unique textures as well.

Stretch & Challenge extension task:
Ready for something a bit more difficult? Take some photos of textures from the natural world around you, for example:
• Bark
• Shells
• Plants
• Fish scales
• Fruit such as pineapple
• Animal fur
• Stone or bricks
• Fabric
• Shells
• Plants
• Fish scales
• Fruit such as pineapple
• Animal fur
• Stone or bricks
• Fabric
Draw some of these using coloured pencils, while trying to make them look as accurate as you can to the picture.
• Which of your textures looked most interesting?
• How different do your textures look from one another?
• When might you use each of your textures in a drawing of a real object?
• How different do your textures look from one another?
• When might you use each of your textures in a drawing of a real object?