Learning Objectives:
• Learn about the style of artist Martin Craig-Martin
• Neaten and refine work produced in previous lessons
• Evaluate the success of work produced so far
• Neaten and refine work produced in previous lessons
• Evaluate the success of work produced so far
Your task:
Add outlines to your your drawing/painting, either using a fine liner pen or a sharp black colouring pencil.
Mr Lax's demo:
The final result
Shown in colouring pencil on the left and watercolour (with fine liner) on the right.

Project Evaluation
How has your work gone? Have you produced a piece in the same style as Michael Craig-Martin? Consider the following:
• Your choice of objects
• The level of detail you have chosen to include/not include in your initial outlines
• How you have arranged your objects to create an interesting composition
• Your choice of colours
• How neat and refined your work is
• The level of detail you have chosen to include/not include in your initial outlines
• How you have arranged your objects to create an interesting composition
• Your choice of colours
• How neat and refined your work is
Submit your work on ClassCharts or, if you are struggling, by email.