Learning Objectives:
  •  Understand how visual metaphors can add meaning to a painting
  •  Learn how light and colour can be used to create depth in a painting
  •  Experiment with mixed media techniques using acrylics and coloured pencils
What you will need: 
A reference image, A3 smooth cartridge paper, a soft pencil (preferably 2B or 4B), eraser, and a pencil sharpener.
Today's task:
1. Read through the PowerPoint below to learn about the work of artist James Mackie
2. Watch the demo video below
3. Choose a reference image
3. Draw your outlines lightly in pencil, following the tips in the video
Introduction to the work of James Mackie:
Drawing the outlines
Mr Lax's example:
Top Tips
  • Measure where each shape goes on the page carefully so that it all ends up with the correct perspective.
  • Check the angles of each line or shape carefully.