Learning Objectives:

  •  Learn how light and colour can be used to create depth in a painting
  •  Experiment with mixed media techniques using acrylics and coloured pencils
  •  Experiment with different paint consistencies and understand how they create different effects
What you will need: 
A reference image, your outline drawing, acrylic paints, a small brush, a larger brush, a pot of water, and paper towels.
Today's task:

1. Watch the demo video below
2. Paint the background in acrylics, following the method and tips in the video
Painting the background in acrylics:
Mr Lax's example:
Top Tips:

  • Thin down your acrylics with water to help it flow better and to keep it smooth.
  • Paint/blend quickly because it will dry faster when the paint is thinned.
  • Getting the tonal values correct (lights and darks) is more important than mixing the right colours. It's the values that make it look 3D and realistic.