Learning Objectives:
• To learn how eyes are typically proportioned.
• To practice skills in proportions, tonal shading and detail.
• To improve your ability to see shapes, tones and gradients accurately
• To make appropriate changes to improve your work as it develops.
• To practice skills in proportions, tonal shading and detail.
• To improve your ability to see shapes, tones and gradients accurately
• To make appropriate changes to improve your work as it develops.
Your task:
Produce a detailed drawing of an eye that is approximately 10cm wide, following the video, worksheet and tips listed below. You should be routinely making changes as your work develops.
What you will need:
Sketching paper (or your sketchbook), a soft pencil (preferably 2B or 4B), eraser, blending stump (or cotton bud) and a pencil sharpener.

Top Tips:
• Look carefully at the shape of the eye you are drawing and try not to simplify it
• Pupils dilate, but on average they are approximately 1/3 of the width of the iris.
• Remember to shade the skin before adding the eyelashes
• For the lightest areas of shading (e.g. the white of the eyeball and the skin), it is better to apply graphite using a cotton bud or a piece of tissue, rather than using your pencil as pencils can make it too dark and 'scratchy'.
• Consider how by applying different amounts of pressure to your pencil you can alter the thickness of the lines. This is particularly important when drawing eyelashes, as they require a 'flick' gesture so that they look thinner towards one end.
• Don't forget to leave white shapes in the eye for any reflections of light
• Pupils dilate, but on average they are approximately 1/3 of the width of the iris.
• Remember to shade the skin before adding the eyelashes
• For the lightest areas of shading (e.g. the white of the eyeball and the skin), it is better to apply graphite using a cotton bud or a piece of tissue, rather than using your pencil as pencils can make it too dark and 'scratchy'.
• Consider how by applying different amounts of pressure to your pencil you can alter the thickness of the lines. This is particularly important when drawing eyelashes, as they require a 'flick' gesture so that they look thinner towards one end.
• Don't forget to leave white shapes in the eye for any reflections of light
Other Tips:
• Use a sharp pencil
• Draw as lightly as you can when sketching your initial outlines
• Measure the initial width, height and angle of each shape carefully
• Hold your pencil as a shallow angle when shading to avoid scribble lines appearing
• Layer up your shading gradually and smudge between each layer
• Draw as lightly as you can when sketching your initial outlines
• Measure the initial width, height and angle of each shape carefully
• Hold your pencil as a shallow angle when shading to avoid scribble lines appearing
• Layer up your shading gradually and smudge between each layer