Learning Objectives:
• To learn how to apply acrylic paints at different consistencies
• To practise brush techniques
• To make appropriate changes to improve work as it develops.
• To practise brush techniques
• To make appropriate changes to improve work as it develops.
Your task:
1. Watch the video below titled 'Colour Mixing with Acrylics'
2. Read the colour mixing rules sheet below
3. Download and print the colour matching exercise below and try to match each colour (without adding water to your paint)
2. Read the colour mixing rules sheet below
3. Download and print the colour matching exercise below and try to match each colour (without adding water to your paint)
What you will need:
Sketching paper (or your sketchbook), a soft pencil, eraser, ruler, paint brush, acrylic paints, palette, water pot, newspaper, paper towels and an apron.

Colour Matching Exercise:

Top Tips:
• Don't waste your time filling the box - this is an exercise on mixing the correct colour, not painting neatly
• Be careful not to add water to your paints, as this will make the paint appear lighter on the page
• If you accidentally get white in your mix when making the really dark colours, it may be easier to start over again with a new mix
• Acrylics dry slightly darker than they appear when wet, so as you get more accustomed to this try to compensate when mixing your colours
• The pastel colours are the hardest, particularly the pinky/salmon colours, as they are made from several colours, so you may want to leave them until the end when you are more practised with colour mixing
• Be careful not to add water to your paints, as this will make the paint appear lighter on the page
• If you accidentally get white in your mix when making the really dark colours, it may be easier to start over again with a new mix
• Acrylics dry slightly darker than they appear when wet, so as you get more accustomed to this try to compensate when mixing your colours
• The pastel colours are the hardest, particularly the pinky/salmon colours, as they are made from several colours, so you may want to leave them until the end when you are more practised with colour mixing