Learning Objectives:
• Learn how to shade neatly using coloured pencils
• Learn how to blend from one colour into another using coloured pencils
• Understand how new colours can be mixed by blending or layering colours
• Learn how to blend from one colour into another using coloured pencils
• Understand how new colours can be mixed by blending or layering colours
What you will need:
Sketching paper (or your sketchbook), a soft pencil (preferably 2B or 4B), coloured pencils, ruler, eraser and a pencil sharpener.
Your Task:
Referring to the example image and video below, practise creating gradients using coloured pencils.
1. Single-colour gradient. Gradually get darker towards one and and lighter towards the other end.
2. Blend from one colour into another (see tips below for advice).
3. Blend using just one colour with a radial shape, rather than a linear gradient.
2. Blend from one colour into another (see tips below for advice).
3. Blend using just one colour with a radial shape, rather than a linear gradient.

Extension Activity
If you have time, have a go at shading a circle to create a sphere (see example above). What do you have to do to make it look 3D?
Top Tips
• Keep your pencils sharp and hold them at a shallow angle to the page to avoid 'scribble lines' appearing
• Layer your colours gradually, as applying too much pressure too quickly can make your gradients look scribbly and not smooth enough.
• Harmonious colours are a lot easier to blend than complementary colours because they are similar to one another. If you try to blend colours that are opposite one another on the colour wheel you may need several gradients to avoid creating a brown. E.g. Yellow and purple make brown when mixed, but alternatively you could blend from yellow into orange, then orange into red and finally red into purple.
• Smudge between layers if your pencils are soft enough.
• Try your best to keep your shading within the confines of each shape. Do not rely on your eraser at the end as colouring pencils tend to be harder to erase than normal graphite pencils.
• Layer your colours gradually, as applying too much pressure too quickly can make your gradients look scribbly and not smooth enough.
• Harmonious colours are a lot easier to blend than complementary colours because they are similar to one another. If you try to blend colours that are opposite one another on the colour wheel you may need several gradients to avoid creating a brown. E.g. Yellow and purple make brown when mixed, but alternatively you could blend from yellow into orange, then orange into red and finally red into purple.
• Smudge between layers if your pencils are soft enough.
• Try your best to keep your shading within the confines of each shape. Do not rely on your eraser at the end as colouring pencils tend to be harder to erase than normal graphite pencils.