GCSE Fine Art
The Externally-Set Assignment project is set from January in Year 11 by the exam board, AQA. You will be issued a paper with a set of starting points to choose from.
Between January and May you will use your lessons and homework to put together all your preparatory work, and then in May you will have 10 hours of supervised time to complete your final piece. All of your work from your whole GCSE course will be handed in at the end of this 10 hours.
• You should discuss your ideas with your teacher before deciding on your starting point.
• You should make sure that all appropriate materials and/or equipment which you might need are available before you start the supervised sessions.
• You should not contact any artists mentioned in this paper.
Your work will be marked according to how well you have shown evidence of:
• Developing ideas through investigations, demonstrating a critical understanding of sources.
• Refining work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques, and processes.
• Recording ideas, observations, and insights relevant to your intentions as work progresses.
• Presenting a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates an understanding of visual language.
• Refining work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques, and processes.
• Recording ideas, observations, and insights relevant to your intentions as work progresses.
• Presenting a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates an understanding of visual language.

Choose one of the following starting points and produce a personal response:
1. Flora & Fauna
2. Networks
3. Narrative
4. Angles
5. Human being
6. Icons
7. Landmarks
2. Networks
3. Narrative
4. Angles
5. Human being
6. Icons
7. Landmarks