A-level Photography
The Externally-Set Assignment project is set from the beginning of February in Year 13 by the exam board, AQA. You will be issued a paper with a set of starting points to choose from.
Between February and May you will use your lessons and homework to put together all your preparatory work, and then in May you will have 15 hours of supervised time to complete your final piece. All of your work from your whole A-level course will be handed in at the end of this 15 hours.
• You must show evidence of personal work relating to your chosen question.
• You must show evidence of research, and of investigating and developing ideas. This should include visual work and, if appropriate, annotations or written work. Sketchbooks, workbooks and/or journals mav be included.
• Practical responses to the work of other artists, designers, craftspeople and photographers must show development in a personal way.
• The work submitted for this component must be produced unaided.
• You must not produce work for this component after the 15 hours of supervised time.
• You should not contact any artists mentioned in this paper.
• You should make sure that any fragile, temporary or ceramic work is photographed, in case of accidental damage.
• You may discuss your ideas with your teacher before deciding on your starting point.
• You may use any appropriate fine art media, method(s) and materials, unless the question states otherwise.
Your work will be marked according to how well you have shown evidence of:
AO1: Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.
AO2: Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.
AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.
AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.

Choose one of the following starting points and produce a personal response:
1. Light and dark
2. Table
3. Unseen
4. Layers
5. Music
6. Maps and routes
7. Siblings
8. Issues and concerns
2. Table
3. Unseen
4. Layers
5. Music
6. Maps and routes
7. Siblings
8. Issues and concerns